
Appetizer, Brunch, Dinner, Salad, Side Dish, Snack

Halloumi Mediterranean Salad

Someone told me about the Jennifer Aniston Salad that combines chick peas, feta, quinoa, and some vegetables with lemon juice and herbs. I tried it, and while good, I decided it needed more protein and vegetables. Also, I decided since the salad called for mint, what is better than halloumi cheese, a delicious, salty cheese […]

Appetizer, Dinner, Salad, Side Dish

New Year’s Black Eyed Peas

Tradition says you should avoid eating certain foods on New Year’s Day, while eating certain foods will bring wealth and luck in the new year, such as ham and black eyed peas. Avoid eating chicken because you don’t want to be pecking in the dirt in the new year! Enjoy this simple black eyed pea […]

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